Documentation (PDF and CHM) 

The documentation of the library must be saved as a *.pdf file in the *.zip folder and uploaded to the PLCnext Store. Ideally, you should also create this documentation as a *.chm or *.html file.

For examples of how the documentation can be structured, go to the PLCnext Store and open a Phoenix Contact library documentation of any library. Please create the documentation as in these examples. 

Note: If you want a template for the documentation, please contact the PLCnext Store admin. He can provide you with an appropriate template. 

The following points must at least be included:

Cover with the following information:

  • Name and version of the library
  • Revision of the documentation
  • Release date

Table of content

General information (description) about the library

A change notes table with one row for each library version:

Library version Library build date PLCnext Engineer version Changes to the previous version
2 yyyy-mm-dd 2021.0 LTS


  • FB_Name_1
  • FB_Name_2


  • ...
1 yyyy-mm-dd 2020.0 LTS Converted from PC Worx 6


Overview of the functionblocks, ideally structured in tables:

Function block Description Version Supported products
FB_Name Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, … 1 Communication module
(item no. 1181787)


Supported PLCs and firmware

For each POE (FB or FC):

  • Functional description of the POE
  • Screenshot of the POE in FBD (functionblock diagram)
  • Three tables (input parameters, output parameters, inout parameters) with the description for each connection: Name, type, description
    Name Type Description
    xActivate BOOL Rising edge: Activates the function block.
    FALSE: Deactivates the function block.
  • One table with all diagnostic codes of this POE: Diagnostic code, additional diagnostic code (if applicable), description
    wDiagCode wAddDiagCode Description
    16#0000 16#0000 Function block is deactivated.
    16#8000 16#0000 Function block is in regular operation.

Documentation of used system variables:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Description

Documentation of user relevant structures:

  • Name
  • Type
  • Description

A startup example:

  • Description of the startup example
  • If applicable, then the necessary hardware and start-up parameters
  • Explanation of different POE states or functionalities:
    • Description
    • Screenshots of the POE connections with activated online values

Contact information (e.g. email address) for support



Go back to Overview.



• Published/reviewed: 2025-02-04 • Revision 18 •