Welcome to the PLCnext Store ‒ Info Center!
In this information platform you will find all information about the PLCnext Store, depending on what you have in mind and who you are:
PLCnext Store users may want to...
- register in the PLCnext Store to benefit from the knowledge of the smartest companies
- download and install apps and libraries
- purchase or install a license
PLCnext Store developers may want to...
- create apps and libraries
- share their apps and libraries with many customers in industrial automation
- monetize their knowledge
How to get in touch
Do not hesitate to connect with other PLCnext Store users around the world and our PLCnext Store team at Phoenix Contact in Germany. Your questions, hints and feedback are always welcome.
- If you are interested in the possibilities of the PLCnext Store, ask our PLCnext Store team and discuss your ideas with the community in the Forum section in the PLCnext Community.
To post your questions or ideas, please register (no cost, no newsletter bugging). - If you need further information, contact your local subsidiary of Phoenix Contact .
- If you have any questions about the PLCnext Store Info Center, please send an email to the author.
Give us feedback
You have an idea, comment or suggestion for the PLCnext Store ‑ Info Center?
We'd love to hear about it!Use this short form to let us know what you think: Feedback box(completely anonymous!)
• Web browser recommendation: Chrome/Edge 88 or newer, Firefox ESR 90 or newer, or Safari •
• Published/reviewed: 2024-11-21 • Revision 17 •
• Published/reviewed: 2024-11-21 • Revision 17 •